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Sunday 4 November 2012

Cannot let today pass - it's three months since we left Fowey!

It's three months exactly since we left Fowey. We arrived in Falmouth harbour at 10.30pm on the 3rd August 2012 to a grand firework display :O)

We have travelled 1,347 nautical miles from Fowey to Gibraltar. The equivalent of 1,550 land miles or 2,495 kilometres by sea. That's cause for a small celebration I think as we have travelled without incident and our boat has performed beautifully all the way. We will spend some time over the next week or so servicing the Volvo Penta engine that has been just as reliable as Lerryn Lady and the rest of the season making ready to set sail again in the Spring. We hope to install solar panels so that we can get off the grid and anchor without worrying about power supply - no shortage of solar 'rays' in the Med methinks.
            We will make the most our our time in Gibraltar in the meantime. We are expecting our eldest daughter to join us for Christmas and have another friend coming to visit in January.  We would very much love to see all of you here if you feel you can come over. Here's two links for possibly the cheapest and nicest B&B in Gibraltar and it's only 20 metres from our berth:

I went to check it out last week, it's lovely accommodation - and they promise never to untie the lines from the moorings!

This Blog will be kept up to date over the coming months and I hope you will find our predominantly land based antics interesting as well ;O)

Greg has chilled an Oyster Bay Savignon Blanc so here's to us, here's to Lerryn Lady and here's to you for following us!  According to Blogspot Stats we've had 2,743 hits on Sailaway since leaving Falmouth - THANK YOU!